Privacy policy Ganes Solutions

In this privacy policy we explain which personal data Ganes Solutions collects, why we collect this data and what we do with it. We believe it is important that your data is handled with care and we ensure the personal information you provide to us is treated confidentially. This privacy statement applies to all services of Ganes Solutions. In essence, our privacy statement means that we can:

  • use only for purposes agreed with you
  • will not share with others
  • careful security

If you have any questions that are not answered in this privacy statement, have suggestions or comments about the content or if you have a complaint about the way we handle your personal data, please let us know. You can send an e-mail or use the contact details at the end of the privacy statement.

Personal data

In all kinds of ways we come into contact with personal data that we process. For example, if we have concluded an agreement with you. We may have received this information from you, for example via our website, e-mail, telephone or software. In addition, we may obtain your personal data in the context of our services from third parties, such as your employer. Which personal data Ganes Solutions processes depends on the nature of the agreement and circumstances. This includes the following data:

  • Name, address and contact details
  • Date and place of birth
  • Gender
  • Contact details such as email addresses or telephone numbers
  • Bank account numbers
  • Information about your activities on our website
  • IP address, internet browser and device type
  • In addition, it may concern special and / or sensitive personal data. Processing of those
  • As a rule, data only takes place if there is a legal basis or consent for is given
  • Social media data: data that we obtain through your interaction with us on various social media such as LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram and Google, including social media data that is publicly available such as your social media handles, interactions and public social media posts on our social media channels, or when you mention us on your own channel through “handles” or “hashtags”.



Ganes Solutions has taken appropriate organizational and technical measures for the protection of personal data in line with the applicable legal requirements and guidelines. Concerned employees of Ganes are obliged to maintain confidentiality and have been informed of the responsibilities and obligations under the GDPR and procedures relating to data breaches.

Fundaments and purposes of the processing

The processing of personal data usually takes place to execute the agreement concluded with you or to be able to comply with a legal obligation. There may also be a legitimate interest in storing and using data, for drawing attention to and offering new or improvement of existing services or up-to-date information, answering questions from visitors to the website, sending newsletters or collecting data for analysis of the website.

In some cases, it may be that we want to process personal data for reasons other than the above and that we will explicitly ask you for permission to do so. The starting point is that the processing of personal data only takes place for the purpose for which it was provided. Engagement of third parties and recipients of data. Ganes Solutions does not sell personal data to third parties. In the context of our services, Ganes Solutions may use services of third parties as a (sub)processor, in which personal data are involved.  Engagement of third parties and recipients of data. Ganes Solutions does not sell personal data to third parties. In the context of our services, Ganes Solutions may use services of third parties as a (sub)processor, in which personal data are involved.

Engagement of third parties and recipients of data. Ganes Solutions does not sell personal data to third parties. In the context of our services, Ganes Solutions may use services of third parties as a (sub)processor, in which personal data are involved.

This concerns, for example, tools such as chatting (Intercom), sending e-mails (Mailchimp / Drip) or analytics (Google Analytics) In addition, Ganes uses specialist software packages, hosting and the like in the execution of agreements in which personal data is stored and / or processed. Ganes concludes agreements with all these parties in which agreements about the method of processing, security and the like are laid down.

Rights of data subjects

You have the following rights as a data subject:

  • right to information: the right to know whether and which of your personal data are processed and for what purpose
  • right to request access, correction, addition or deletion of your personal data
  • object to or request restriction of your personal data
  • withdrawal of consent given
  • transfer your personal data to another person
  • file a complaint with the supervisory authority You can send an e-mail or use the contact details at the end of the privacy statement.


Visit details

We use cookies to remember your settings and preferences. You can disable these cookies via your browser. On our website, general visitor data (click behaviour) is kept. In this context, in particular, the IP address of your computer, any user name, the time of retrieval and data that a visitor’s browser sends can be recorded and used to gain insight into the behavior of visitors on the website with the aim of better tailoring the website to the needs of its visitors. We try to anonymize this data as much as possible.


Google Analytics

Ganes Solutions uses Google Analytics to track how users use our website and how effective our Adwords ads are on Google search result pages. The information, including the address of your computer (IP address), is transferred to and stored by Google on servers in the United States. Read the privacy policy of Google for more information, as well as the specific privacy policy of Google Analytics. Google uses this information to keep track of how our website is used, to provide us with reports about the website and to provide its advertisers with information about the effectiveness of their campaigns. Google may provide this information to third parties if: Google is legally obliged to do so, or insofar as these third parties process the information on behalf of Google. We have no influence on this. We have not allowed Google to use the obtained analytics information for other Google services. For more information, see Google’s privacy statement:

Google Ads

 Ganes Solutions uses Google Ads as a communication and advertising channel to connect with users who are looking for services that Ganes Solutions offers.


Ganes Solutions uses LinkedIn as a communication channel and as an advertising channel. We also use LinkedIn Insights Tag to keep track of how users use our website and how effective our LinkedIn ads are within the LinkedIn platform. The information is stored anonymously and there is therefore no access to personal data. The anonymized data is stored by LinkedIn and made available for use to better tailor communications to visitors to the website and users via LinkedIn through retargeting. Users reserve the right to indicate via LinkedIn that they are not interested in advertising communication. For more information, see LinkedIN’s privacy statement:

Facebook & Instagram

Ganes Solutions uses Facebook and the family of apps such as Facebook, Instagram and Messenger as a communication channel and as an advertising channel. We also use the Facebook Pixel to keep track of how users use our website and how effective the communication within the Facebook platform is. The information is stored anonymously and there is therefore no access to personal data. The anonymized data is stored by Facebook and made available for use to better tailor communication to visitors to the website and users via Facebook and Instagram through retargeting. Users reserve the right to indicate via Facebook and Instagram that they are not interested in advertising communication. For more information, see the privacy statement of Facebook:


Ganes Solutions offers a newsletter using the Hubspot mail application. In this we inform interested parties about developments that relate to our advice and services. Your e-mail address will only be added to the mail file with your explicit permission. Each newsletter contains a link with which you can unsubscribe. The mail file of the newsletter is not provided to third parties. For more information, see Hubspot’s privacy statement:

Retention periods

Ganes Solutions will not process your personal data for longer than is necessary for the purpose for which it was provided. As a rule, it is connected to the legal, fiscal or real estate retention obligations. In the absence of a statutory term, Ganes Solutions applies a retention period of two years after the last assignment, after which the data concerned will be destroyed.

Processing within the EER

Ganes Solutions processes personal data only within the European Economic Area, unless otherwise indicated in this privacy statement, in the case of contacts via the website, Google Analytics, LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook or Intercom. These parties are ‘EU-US Privacy Shield’ certified, so they must comply with European privacy regulations.



This privacy statement is subject to change. These changes will be announced on this website and the latter change date will be stated. We therefore advise you to regularly consult this privacy statement.

Contact details

For more information about this privacy statement or the privacy policy of Ganes, please contact us.


Phone: +31 (0) 10 30 70 165

Address: Hofplein 20. 3032 AC Rotterdam